Project Title: Viruskenner International
Project code number: 2020-1-NL01-KA229-064532_2
Project Start Date: 01/09/2020
Project End Date: 31/08/ 2022
Partners: ITT Buonarroti (Italy), Keizer Karel College (the Netherlands)
Infectious diseases are on the top 10 list of threats for human health according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Today the infectious COVID-19 virus, which started in China and has spread around the world quickly, is a serious item in the news and moreover affecting and endangering societies all over the world. However, infectious diseases have been of great importance to fight for human kind health safety for decades if not centuries and it is important for people to be aware and know how the transmission of viruses can be largely reduced.
The two partners in this project, the Karel Keizer College from the Netherlands and the ITT Buonarroti from Italy, will establish an international collaboration in which young students, as global citizens, raise awareness and create tools by working together, with the aim to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
International collaboration stimulates students to approach topics from different angles and with different perspectives. Aside the fact that these schools build up their capacity for cross-border cooperation, they specifically cope with the challenge to innovatively educate about infectious diseases and find new methods to integrate into their curriculum. During this project, activities will take place in order to support the students in various ways. In masterclasses students will be informed about basic virus infections and preventions. Also in mixed groups of nationalities, students will use ICT tools to further develop the basic knowledge gained during international workshops. In particular they will use collaborative platforms in cloud (such as eTwinning) to constantly collaborate remotely. Each group will collaborate in order to create materials to be shared among other students of their schools.
The schools will work together with the existing programme: VirusKenner. Viruskenner is a proven programme to help to create more awareness about viral diseases and the way we can fight the transmission of these viruses. Prevention remains the best strategy to fight infectious diseases and epidemics so it all starts with education and raising awareness among students to ensure a positive and long lasting effect, in society, but specifically on the participating organizations.
Client: Professor dr. Eric C.M. van Gorp, a virologist and infectiologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam and president of the Cirion Foundation.
For any information, please contact prof.ssa Stefania Stani (email Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.)