
In a world that is constantly changing and where globalisation plays a fundamental role we see it as our own  duty to develop and foster all forms of cooperation with schools operating in various countries so as to enable our students to have a direct access to a variety of experiences at all levels.

Set in a region like Trentino where the external drive of internationalisation is crucial in our education policies ( please refer to the Trilingual Project), Buonarroti Institute is a leading institution and a centre of innovation and strategic partnership for many projects both locally and in foreign countries.

We set our goals in  integrating international, intercultural and global dimension into the practice  of teaching and learning, while fostering  the relationships between and among nations, people, cultures, institutions and  systems.

Mobility is seen also an another key factor in internalisation and this is developed in our school both at teacher and student levels through partnerships, exchanges, Erasmus+ programmes, special local funds and transnational protocols.

Undoubtedly English is increasingly becoming the lingua franca for education institutions across the world – from primary schools to universities - and we are devoting our energies to improve the language levels of our students and teachers  through our academic programmes and with the introduction of CLIL approaches in many subjects.

German is nonetheless a key language in our curriculum and it is especially important for our proximity to the German speaking area both under the economical and social perspectives.

For further information please contact:

Ms. Stefania Stani - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Ms. Lidia Bettega - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.